
Resale Value: 150 Moon Gems

This corrupted vial of Dragon Tears can be used once on a dragon to cleanse a Dragon's Blood from a dragon's genotype. The dragon's blood is not returned to you. 

There are a few rules for this item:

  • You cannot tell other players that they have to, or cannot use this item. 
  • If you are removing a feature you will need to update the import. 
  • This item ONLY works on dragon's blood additions.
  • If you sell a dragon and market it as having certain dragon's blood additions, and then use this item to remove the DB additions before sale, you will receive a warning and all effects of the item will be reversed. 

This items purpose is to undo additions of dragon's blood while giving you something in return - thus these rules are in place to keep it from being exploited!


Emote Codes
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[![Corrupted Dragon Tears](]( Dragon Tears)
Category: Design
Rarity: 3
Purchaseable At: The Lower Markets
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